Well you have already posted about your 7 years of work on a revolutionary new propulsion method. I think if there was really something revolutionary or practical here then its best not to publicise it on a gaming forum but crack on with your research and make yourself a famous millionaire
I can't understand how you can diss the post count yet support another method of showing exactly the same thing? Frequency of forum use is also no measure of quality. Why bother at all with either option? I couold not care less how many posts someone has made, it only seems important to people who are hung up on status, and if they are so hung up on status they will find some way of making it relevant to them.
it's nicked (or is it knicked)? Came across it somewhere on the net a couple of years ago. Still funny and a lot of embarassing truths in it about forum life
Yep when you compare against the black striping on the body, the front wing is definitely a graphite black rather than a real 000000#
But then the body looks a lot more fluorescent red with a touch of orange than Heizer's Arrows Orange, more like the red in the nose of the old white McLarens but not quite that red. Does any of that make sense?
This post started out as improvement suggestions on adding different car types, and went theough an interesting discussion about many other things, then settled on yet another post about what cars people think mostly resemble the LFS garage selection in real life.
The forum already has many, many posts of this nature contributed thousands of time by a large slice of the community.
can we please stick tot he thread subject and not just fill the forum with duplicate threads already well aired?
Good post, funnybear. The New Scientist bit goes exactly along with what I quoted earlier from Oliver Sachs.
If you ever come across his book "The man who mistook his wife for a hat" its both the wierdest title book ever and a really fascinating read into the functioning of the brain.
The sscientific explanation for the Big Light when near death and the floating out of the body stuff is that it is a defence mechanism controlled by the brain in which it floods itself with high levels of seratonin and endorphins when a massive shutdown is about to happen, thus 'softening' the blow. With all these opiate-related chemicals floating about, people having been 'brought back from the edge' all reported similar experiences of warmth, floating towards a big light, being bathed in a feeling of love and well-being. It is more plausible for me to understand this as a chemically-induced event rather than anything of a spiritual nature.
My problem is that religious beliefs lack any logic and evidence to suggest the true existance of an all-powetrful deity. By their very nature they are a belief. I need more to go on than that.
No value, sure, but no reason to support anything when there's no evidence of its existance. Far better to support principals that are established and proven than ones that aren't.
There is evidence to explain these deja vue experiences, if you read some of the books by Oliver Sachs, a very interesting neurosurgeon (they did a film based on some of his stuff a few years ago - Awakenings, starring De Niro).
He put forward a good case that the way the brains memory banks work sometimes there is like a 'bounce' - something will go in from a stimulus, some sense, sight, smell, sound, and before it gets to the conscious for full recognition it bounces back as a perceived memory, fooling the person that he somehow feels a familiarity with the perceived stimulus even though it really is a fresh event. Fascinating stuff.
I do not believe in fate or telepathy or any of that pseudo-science stuff.